The Things I Said

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FaceBook and Technorati

with 2 comments

Face Book 

For those who still searching for social nextworks all over the net to, then brace yourselves face-book phenomenon. I remember using this facility two years ago to link up with former friends at university. Then, it wasn’t as popular as it is today. I remember searching for London Guildhall University/London Met Uni and finding no big groups. Now when I rejoined face book and did the same search, I was surprised to find quite different social network groups that have my former uni in common.

There seem to be a lot more quality in the name Guidhall than the new (almost fake sounding) name Metropolitan. And truly, I am angry about this name change. I went to the university when it was Guidhall only to have it changed to Metropolitan University. Metropolitan sounds like a far cry from the university’s days of being a polytechnic. I was angered by having my ‘Metropolitan’ on my papers that I even contemplated suing the institution.

But enough with my rants against the Uni. For many who are now attending it, its all good. Now back to facebook. I encourage you bloggers/readers to check it out. Who knows you might find long lost friends or even old folks from your old village :).


Another issue is Technorati. I bring this up because I am becoming addicted to it lol. A sad fact, I know but its pretty good. As a certified lazy-fellow, it cuts all the husle to a minimum. Easy and convenient browing. A glorious service for the lazy. Thank you Technorati.

Written by thetwoadvocates

October 7, 2007 at 7:33 pm

Posted in 1

2 Responses

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  1. So you’re on Facebook eh?
    Isn’t it so amazing how it increased in popularity so fast? I’ve been on it for 2 years now and just like you it’s a way for me to keep in touch with my uni. friends, and it was (and still is) great when it was exclusive to unis. But now that it has opened up to the public it’s as though everyone and their brother wants an account.


    October 8, 2007 at 1:41 am

  2. My name is Lone Dreamer and I am a facebook addict. 😛

    Lone Dreamer

    October 19, 2007 at 10:36 pm

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